Self Care? What’s that again?

Let’s be honest here…. Who actually has time for self care when you have little ones? I have 2 children, my daughter is almost 3 and my son just turned 1. We are at the wonderful stage of exploration and with that means Mama is doing a lot of chasing, corralling, and cleaning.

I can’t just drop everything to have a pedicure. I can’t always carve out time for yoga or spend an hour taking a bath. Not to mention if I have to leave the house I have to find a sitter… If I want a pedicure I could spend upwards of $80 just for some “self care”. I don’t know about you but kids are expensive and that’s a lot of diaper money.🤷🏼‍♀️

However, I do truly believe in self care. How can I possibly give to others if I have nothing to give. I have little people who depend on me so no matter what I have to keep giving even when I have nothing to give. This means I need to find small moments to care about myself.

Getting groceries and see a cheap bouquet of flowers? Splurge. In a hurry and just need a quick McDonalds dinner? Get that $1 cookie. Kids napping? Take a cat nap. Even just 5 minutes before getting up to clean. Like wine? Have an extra glass. Kids in the bath? Paint your nails while supervising.

I could go on but I think you get the point. Not every day can you find a self care moment. That’s why it’s so important to find them where you can. Self care doesn’t need to be expensive, time consuming, or crazy. Self care can be so easy all you have to do is try.

One last thing to think about…. It’s never to late to teach your children self care. Your toddler my not get it (but who knows maybe you’ll have the child who gets it). But older children will 100% get it. Maybe make it a mommy daughter date (or mommy son, daddy daughter, etc. I think any combination of teaching is important).

I guess what I hope you get out of this is that self care can be easy. It can come from the little moments. And it can cost as much or as little you want to spend.

Talk soon,
